In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO and search tools, Google reigns supreme – until now. Enter OpenAI’s Search GPT, the bold new contender shaking up the throne. For marketers and business owners who want to stay ahead of the curve, it’s time to get the lowdown on the advancements to make smarter business decisions. Here’s READ MORE >>
There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to the lifespan of a typical website. If you Google, you’ll get a page-worth of answers ranging from 2 to 2.5 years. It seems a tad quick, even for the internet. But to be fair, a website revamp depends on your site and your market. READ MORE >>
If you haven’t noticed, we love technology. In our marketing lives and in our personal lives, technology simplifies life, entertains us, helps us stay organized, inspires us, and the list goes on. On any given day, an ODEA-ite is dropping a new gadget or gizmo into our ‘Creative’ Slack channel for us all to ooh READ MORE >>
In our last blog, we talked about how sometimes the clicks reported by LinkedIn, Facebook or other digital advertising platforms don’t always jive with what you see in Google Analytics. In this article, we are going to tell you about a nifty little tool – the UTM code – that will make it easier for READ MORE >>
When we reflect on our 2020 marketing predictions, the word pandemic was certainly not in the mix. Never in a million years could we have anticipated a worldwide lockdown and the ripple effect COVID-19 had on every facet of our lives. And after the craziness of the past nine months (that felt like five years), READ MORE >>
Is your brain hungry? You’ve come to the right place. Welcome to our March edition of Feed Your Brain! Design We’ve preached about responsive web design for quite some time now. But responsive email design is just as important! Over half of Americans prefer to look at marketing emails on their phones. So creating responsive READ MORE >>
Uncertainty. We can all agree that’s one word that sums up the next few weeks. Or maybe even months. By now we’re all too familiar with COVID-19 and the changes it has brought to every facet of our lives. If you’re a business owner wrestling with what to do next, marketing might be one of READ MORE >>
How many ads do you see in your Facebook feed per day? Do you click through or pass them by? According to Facebook, more users and businesses are taking notice of the power of Facebook ads. They reported a 27% increase in revenue from ads in 2019 compared to 2018. Whether you’re a Facebook ad READ MORE >>
You’ve been prepping for months getting ready for the biggest trade show of the year. Travel plans are set, meetings with potential customers are on the calendar, now all that’s left is to go and wow ‘em. Then you get the dreaded email: TRADE SHOW CANCELLED. Uh-oh. Whether it is a lack of toilet paper READ MORE >>