
Alexa, What is Voice Search?


Ready or not voice search is happening! And it’s giving ODEA President, Patty Rioux, the ability to clone herself. (Send help!) Okay, we’re being a bit dramatic. It’s not really giving her the ability to multiply but it is improving her productivity and changing the way we’re thinking about marketing for the future. In fact, if you’ve got an Amazon Echo Dot sitting anywhere in your house, walk over to it and nicely ask “Alexa, play Brain Lava”. Hear the intro music? Give yourself a nice pat on the back because you just completed a successful voice search! On this READ MORE >>

Why We Think Referrals Are Still Crucial in B2B


We take referrals very seriously at ODEA. Come to think of it, we can’t think of one client that didn’t learn about us through a referral. So, when we hear, “You’re only going to get so far on referrals” we tend to cringe. HubSpot tells us that 84% of buyers start the buying process with a referral. That’s a LOT of people that are asking about a product or service before buying. So, with statistics like the one above, why suddenly are we hating on referrals? We’ve got a few ideas of why and five statistics telling us why we READ MORE >>

Back to Basics: SEO 101


“SEO” is a term we hear thrown around a lot in the marketing and tech world. It stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. Now that we’ve broken that down for you, it’s crystal clear what SEO is, right? Great! Our work here is done… or maybe not. If you’re anything like Chelsi Hardin, ODEA Project Manager, questions like “What am I optimizing?” and “What does this even have to do with a website?” may cross your mind when it comes to SEO.  That’s why she decided to ask ODEA Project Manager (and resident SEO guru), Sue Lattea, to sit down and READ MORE >>

360 Images: Taking the Online Experience to the Next Level


It happens to all of us: You see a product online, you think it’s perfect, so you buy it! But when it arrives you realize it’s not exactly what you were looking for. It’s not always easy to shop online since you can’t hold a product or item in your hand. Especially when you can only see a picture of the product you want at a certain angle. Or worst-case scenario, no picture at all (cue horror movie scream!). But companies are finding new ways of helping consumers shop online more confidently. One of those new ways? 360 images that READ MORE >>

Branding: Just Like Peeing in The Pool


We pretend to cringe in disgust when someone talks about it but let’s be real, we’ve all done it. This week’s topic is all about peeing in the pool! Thinking we’ve lost our minds right about now? We’re just kidding about the topic! Well, kind of. ODEA President, Patty Rioux, is a lover of analogies and doesn’t always filter what she says (even though we love her for it). Some of our most insightful ideas come from every day conversations and this week is a great example. This week’s topic was born during a hilarious conversation Patty had with a READ MORE >>

Collaboration in The Age of Separation – and Polar Vortexes


Unless you’ve lived in a cave for your entire existence, you’ve probably collaborated with a person or team at some point in your life. Whether it be at work, at home, in school, or a personal project, collaboration is something that we all experience. But just like everything else in our fast-paced world, collaboration is changing. With more company’s adopting the idea of remote or virtual teams, collaborating among teams becomes a new challenge. We like to think ODEA is made up of 10 brilliant – albeit quirky – individuals. We happen to spread that brilliance across four states with READ MORE >>

Photography Tips to Make Your Photo Shoot a Success


This week’s Brain Lava podcast is a special one. ODEA’s very own birthday twins, Megan Zidek, ODEA Project Manager, and Stephanie Cosgrove, ODEA Graphic Designer, sit down to talk about photography tips they’ve picked up over the years. Creating a shot list, organizing a “pre-pro” call, deciding on additional vendors you may need… there’s a lot of things to check off your list but ODEA is here to help. Whether you’re preparing to work with a photographer or you’re going the DIY route, Megan and Stephanie have a few tips to prepare you for whatever comes your way. Have some READ MORE >>

Feed Your Brain


Is your brain hungry? Let’s feed it! “Feed Your Brain” is a NEW weekly email newsletter that connects you to the exciting things that are rocking the marketing and tech world. Each newsletter will include a quick summary of the article’s key points and a link to read the full article. In just 5 minutes, you can catch up on all the latest marketing and tech news! If your brain is hungry to learn, click HERE and fill out the form to receive “Feed Your Brain” in your inbox. Want to learn more about “Feed Your Brain”? Patty Rioux, ODEA READ MORE >>

Podcast 101: What We’ve Learned


Behind every great podcast is a great editor (or team of editors!) At ODEA, our man behind the screen is JJ Lattea, ODEA Technical Coordinator. In this week’s episode of Brain Lava, JJ sat down with ODEA President, Patty Rioux, to discuss all that goes into creating a podcast. After four months in, with 15 episodes under our belt, we’ve decided it’s time to share some of the valuable lessons we’ve learned throughout this process. Producing a podcast and learned something you’d like to share? Tell us about it at [email protected]READ MORE >>