
Hello, My Name is Human: ChatGPT vs. Me


Hi there – have we met? If not, I’m Chelsi, marketing manager and content specialist at ODEA. I have a hand in writing content for ODEA and our clients. On any given day, you can find me with my headphones on with music blasting while pecking away at my keyboard. Most likely, filling a Microsoft Word document with thoughts, insights, and facts about adhesives, steel, technology, new tax laws, or something in between. About a year ago, I created an account for ChatGPT 3.5 to check out my competition. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that can compose responses that READ MORE >>

Are Your B2B Marketing Emails Passport Ready, aka GDPR Compliant?


If your inbox looks anything like ours, you know that email marketing is still alive and well years after CAN-SPAM and GDPR regulations went into effect.  With new client opportunities in Europe and some of our existing clients closing on M&A activities that expanded their reach internationally, we brushed up on all things General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to make sure we’re following best practices when sending email campaigns across the pond to businesses in the EU and UK. What you need to know about GDPR GDPR, which came into effect in 2018, aims to protect individuals’ personal data and READ MORE >>

I’ve spent a few months diving into AI. Here’s what I know.


At first, I was telling my team I thought professional services, such as marketing firms like us, would be transformed by AI but those of us 50+ could keep on (largely) as we were. It would take years for what we do to be taken over by the AI bots. The 20- and 30-somethings were the ones who needed to reinvent themselves. Or so I thought. Then ChatGPT came on the scene. Then Claude. And Gemini. And too many others to name. I slowly realized the transformation I originally thought would take at least a decade was happening in months, READ MORE >>

Tick Tock Tech: Technology We Wish Existed


If you haven’t noticed, we love technology. In our marketing lives and in our personal lives, technology simplifies life, entertains us, helps us stay organized, inspires us, and the list goes on. On any given day, an ODEA-ite is dropping a new gadget or gizmo into our ‘Creative’ Slack channel for us all to ooh and ahh over. But there are still moments when we’re in a technology pinch and think, “Somebody needs to invent that!” So, without further ado, here’s our list of technology we wish existed. (And if you feel inspired to invent any of the following, you READ MORE >>

The Lowdown on CDNs: Everything You Should Know to Optimize Your Website


Hey you! Welcome to our latest blog series, Brain Snacks! In between our longer-form content, we will be incorporating shorter blogs in the mix to give your brain a quick-read to munch on. To kick off our new series, we’re giving you the run-down on all things Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): what they are, how to use them, and why you should know this info!  Waaaay back at the beginning of 2021 (which simultaneously feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago), the ODEA-ites watched a video by Neil Patel on How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2021. We decided to READ MORE >>

QR Codes: It’s Their Time to Shine


Considering the digital world we’ve come to know and love (more or less!), QR codes have had a relatively slow start since their invention in 1994. Pre-pandemic, it felt like you would only see these pixelated boxes in specific and niche spaces. Whether they appeared on products to redirect you to other information about the manufacturer or in certain ad campaigns, QR codes were few and far between; never really commonplace. Enter 2020 Through all the upheaval of last year, it felt like some of the problems that arose already had a solution: QR codes. COVID made people reconsider a READ MORE >>

Algo-What!? Tips for Cracking Social Media Algorithms


Have you found yourself finally having a breakthrough with your social media engagement, only to see those numbers come crashing down the next week? You’re not alone! But who’s to blame? Truth be told social media algorithms. All social media platforms are making adjustments to their inner workings regularly – hey, they need to boost their engagement too! And because social media platforms don’t give you a handbook on how to be successful with their algorithms, we thought it would help to share what we’ve learned. Read on for tips and tricks to cut through the clutter, leverage social media algorithms to READ MORE >>

Let’s Get Technical: Tech Tip Thursday


Did you hear the news about our new series? Every Thursday, we’re uploading a quick tutorial to help you spiff up your tech game. Our videos are 3 minutes or less and designed to make your life (and work!) easier. From LinkedIn and YouTube hacks to Adobe Photoshop secrets, we have a tech tip for everyone. Find all of our tech tip videos on YouTube. And don’t forget to follow us on our social pages so you can see what new tech tip we’re sharing every Thursday!     READ MORE >>

Quick Email Marketing Tips to Try in 2021


You’ve got mail! It’s not just a great movie (this is not up for debate). It’s also a common theme among, well, all of us. Our inboxes receive a dozen, or more, emails a day. And if you’re a marketer, entrepreneur, or business owner, you probably send quite a few emails a day! HubSpot reports that 78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months. And as we shift to a more permanent digital atmosphere, we expect email communication to ramp up even more. So, maybe you’re thinking: ODEA, you don’t have to tell READ MORE >>