For one week, let’s tally up all the unsolicited emails and voicemails offering to help us sell our business or buy another. We could even turn it into a contest—think “guess the number of jellybeans in the jar,” but with unrequested pitches instead of jellybeans. Closest guess wins! With $796 billion US dollars worth of deals announced in the first quarter of 2024 (and forecasts showing the momentum to continue into 2025) thanks to Boomers and elder Gen X’ers stepping back, businesses are changing hands again after a slow 2023. Consolidation is touching every industry we know so, like us, READ MORE >>
Hi there – have we met? If not, I’m Chelsi, marketing manager and content specialist at ODEA. I have a hand in writing content for ODEA and our clients. On any given day, you can find me with my headphones on with music blasting while pecking away at my keyboard. Most likely, filling a Microsoft Word document with thoughts, insights, and facts about adhesives, steel, technology, new tax laws, or something in between. About a year ago, I created an account for ChatGPT 3.5 to check out my competition. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that can compose responses that READ MORE >>
If your inbox looks anything like ours, you know that email marketing is still alive and well years after CAN-SPAM and GDPR regulations went into effect. With new client opportunities in Europe and some of our existing clients closing on M&A activities that expanded their reach internationally, we brushed up on all things General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to make sure we’re following best practices when sending email campaigns across the pond to businesses in the EU and UK. What you need to know about GDPR GDPR, which came into effect in 2018, aims to protect individuals’ personal data and READ MORE >>
I read a recent Gartner report that proposed the new role for B2B sales teams was “sense-making”. Their research indicated 44% of millennials did not want to interact with a sales rep at any phase of their B2B buyer’s journey. That means B2B sales pros must reinvent their role. Gartner proposed their best way to service prospects was to make sense of all the content we marketers have been producing for years now. This is an interesting concept for sure. But shouldn’t we marketers be helping to make sense throughout the buyer’s journey as well? We already know B2B buying READ MORE >>
Sniff, sniff.. Is that Spring we smell?? (If you are in our neck of the woods don’t let those April snow showers fool you, Spring has indeed sprung!) Time to get out the marketing Swiffer and clean up some habits. Now is the perfect time to do a bit of marketing housekeeping. Here is ODEA’s spring cleaning to-do list for 2022: Commence Content Creation If 2022 is the year you pledged to overhaul your website or make that brand video you have been dreaming of, you need to get started NOW! Supply chain issues aren’t confined to hard goods. Web READ MORE >>
In our last blog, we talked about how sometimes the clicks reported by LinkedIn, Facebook or other digital advertising platforms don’t always jive with what you see in Google Analytics. In this article, we are going to tell you about a nifty little tool – the UTM code – that will make it easier for you to track those ad clicks (and more!) through to your analytics. There’s a very good chance that you are interacting with UTM codes, and you don’t even realize it. Once you know what to look for you can spot them hiding in plain sight READ MORE >>
We Want You: Graphic Designer WHO WE ARE A small-but-mighty virtual marketing firm with team members spread from Illinois to Ohio to Michigan to Arkansas. We execute branding, marketing strategies and niche projects for (mostly) B2B clients clustered in areas like manufacturing, industrial tech, professional services, family businesses, niche start-ups, etc. Our focus is on brand and storytelling via digital and the free/earned media side of the biz; web, content marketing, media relations, event marketing, nurture, social, marketing automation, etc. We serve as the outsourced marketing department for many of our clients – developing brands, strategies and plans then sticking READ MORE >>
When you think of influencer marketing, what comes to mind? Most people jump to beauty bloggers and fashionistas from social media. We’re here to remind you of the bigger picture! Influencer marketing is formally defined as “a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placement from influencers, people and organizations who have a purported expert level of knowledge or social influence in their field.” Influencers don’t just exist within the beauty and fashion atmospheres, they’re everywhere! Whether you’re into cooking, sports, organization, or anything in between, odds are there’s an influencer within that realm. These figures are really READ MORE >>
There’s no denying that we live in a digital world. And as much as we try to separate our work lives from our personal lives, it’s certainly hard to do, especially online. With more than half of the world on social media, you can find content ranging from a detailed description of lunch to a reminiscent post about vacations past to the adorable furry friend recently added to the fam. You may even find people posting about the company they work for. It’s estimated that 98% of employees use at least one social media site for personal use. And of READ MORE >>