Hello, My Name is Human: ChatGPT vs. Me


Hi there – have we met? If not, I’m Chelsi, marketing manager and content specialist at ODEA. I have a hand in writing content for ODEA and our clients. On any given day, you can find me with my headphones on with music blasting while pecking away at my keyboard. Most likely, filling a Microsoft Word document with thoughts, insights, and facts about adhesives, steel, technology, new tax laws, or something in between. About a year ago, I created an account for ChatGPT 3.5 to check out my competition. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that can compose responses that READ MORE >>

Are Your B2B Marketing Emails Passport Ready, aka GDPR Compliant?


If your inbox looks anything like ours, you know that email marketing is still alive and well years after CAN-SPAM and GDPR regulations went into effect.  With new client opportunities in Europe and some of our existing clients closing on M&A activities that expanded their reach internationally, we brushed up on all things General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to make sure we’re following best practices when sending email campaigns across the pond to businesses in the EU and UK. What you need to know about GDPR GDPR, which came into effect in 2018, aims to protect individuals’ personal data and READ MORE >>

I’ve spent a few months diving into AI. Here’s what I know.


At first, I was telling my team I thought professional services, such as marketing firms like us, would be transformed by AI but those of us 50+ could keep on (largely) as we were. It would take years for what we do to be taken over by the AI bots. The 20- and 30-somethings were the ones who needed to reinvent themselves. Or so I thought. Then ChatGPT came on the scene. Then Claude. And Gemini. And too many others to name. I slowly realized the transformation I originally thought would take at least a decade was happening in months, READ MORE >>

Thinking it’s time for a website revamp?


There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to the lifespan of a typical website. If you Google, you’ll get a page-worth of answers ranging from 2 to 2.5 years. It seems a tad quick, even for the internet. But to be fair, a website revamp depends on your site and your market. When looking at typical B2B websites, you could probably double or even triple that number. That gets you in the range of every 5 to 7 years to consider an entire website refresh. This includes significant site structure updates like reorganizing your services categories or READ MORE >>

Isn’t it time we all made more sense?


I read a recent Gartner report that proposed the new role for B2B sales teams was “sense-making”. Their research indicated 44% of millennials did not want to interact with a sales rep at any phase of their B2B buyer’s journey. That means B2B sales pros must reinvent their role. Gartner proposed their best way to service prospects was to make sense of all the content we marketers have been producing for years now. This is an interesting concept for sure. But shouldn’t we marketers be helping to make sense throughout the buyer’s journey as well? We already know B2B buying READ MORE >>

We Were on A Break!


I know. We should have told you. You may not have even noticed. But we took a break during the second half of 2022 – from social, from blogging, from everything involved with our own marketing. Why? I can blame it on “busy”. I can say we concentrated on clients’ projects instead of our own. I can justify it as “research” on what happens when you stop marketing. And all that is true. But equally true is that we were short-staffed, still working out the kinks in our “new normal”, and more often than we liked, we were feeling drained, READ MORE >>

BOLD Color Palettes Inspiring Us Right Now


Summer is here and in full bloom! Nature’s beauty is full of colors that can spark the imagination. With that in mind we asked our BOLD designers what colors are inspiring them right now. Here are their thoughts: Mars’s Pick… The color I chose is the 2022 Pantone color of the year which they call “Very Peri”. It’s not my favorite color, but I’m always fascinated by the colors they choose for each year. I haven’t used this except for a couple personal projects but now I can use it for this. Rebecca’s Pick…   Both of these color combinations READ MORE >>

Get to Know Emily Wade


We have big, BOLD news – our team has grown! That’s right, we’ve added another brilliant mind to the ODEA team and we’re so excited for you to get to know her. And depending on how long you’ve been part of the ODEA family, you might just recognize her. Without further ado, meet Emily Wade! You look familiar. Have we seen you around here before? You may have seen me if your team worked with ODEA a little over 5 years ago! I am so happy to be working with Patty and the ODEA-ites again! I started out at ODEA READ MORE >>

Tick Tock Tech: Technology We Wish Existed


If you haven’t noticed, we love technology. In our marketing lives and in our personal lives, technology simplifies life, entertains us, helps us stay organized, inspires us, and the list goes on. On any given day, an ODEA-ite is dropping a new gadget or gizmo into our ‘Creative’ Slack channel for us all to ooh and ahh over. But there are still moments when we’re in a technology pinch and think, “Somebody needs to invent that!” So, without further ado, here’s our list of technology we wish existed. (And if you feel inspired to invent any of the following, you READ MORE >>