Author: Chelsi Hardin

You Complete Me. Marketing Technology We Can’t Live Without.


We talk about marketing technology a LOT. But we feel it necessary to declare our love for the technologies that make our lives easier – especially our marketing lives. They keep our projects flowing smoothly, help us stay organized, allow us to create beautiful pieces, and so much more. But this week we ODEA-ites had to live our own nightmare – we had to pick just one that we couldn’t live without. Eeeek! After a little back and forth, we made some hard decisions and picked our absolute favorites. (To the technology we had to leave behind, we still love READ MORE >>

BOLD Marketing We Admire Part 9


At ODEA, we can never get enough BOLD. Lucky for us, brands are bringing it! This meant another quarter of us struggling to narrow down our favorite picks. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. Check out each ODEA-ite’s favorite example of BOLD marketing below! Megan’s Pick… Ruggable’s Email Nurture Campaign Why is it BOLD? I’d been seeing Ruggable ads on Facebook and Instagram for months. While I hadn’t been in the market for a rug, their brand and product caught my eye so I filed it away in brain. So, of course, when I was buying READ MORE >>

Hungry? Feed Your Brain – March Edition


Is your brain hungry? You’ve come to the right place. Welcome to our March edition of Feed Your Brain!  Design We’ve preached about responsive web design for quite some time now. But responsive email design is just as important! Over half of Americans prefer to look at marketing emails on their phones. So creating responsive emails is vital. Learn how to make your own Marketing Responsive Emails Myth Busters – Design edition! Modus is bringing truth to seven common misconceptions surrounding color contrast accessibility. Check it out here. Marketing Curious what the future of marketing will look like in the READ MORE >>

Keep on Keeping On: 5 Ways to Keep Your Marketing Going Over the Next 30 Days


Uncertainty. We can all agree that’s one word that sums up the next few weeks. Or maybe even months. By now we’re all too familiar with COVID-19 and the changes it has brought to every facet of our lives. If you’re a business owner wrestling with what to do next, marketing might be one of many things on your mind. Should you proceed with business as usual? Should your marketing be paused until further notice? Should you address the pandemic or let it be? We’re here with some thoughts on how to adapt to an ever-changing situation. Be real It’s READ MORE >>

Forbes Feature: Looking for a Marketing Unicorn? We’ve Got Three Tips for Supporting an In-House Marketing Pro Instead


The loch ness monster, unicorns, fire-breathing dragons… we have all heard about these mythical beings, but have you ever seen them in the real-world? Us neither. So, if you’ve recently set out on a search for a single in-house marketing professional that can do it all, from graphic design to media pitching to coding that HTML email, you may have better luck calling up Nessie herself. Instead of going on the hunt for a mythical creature, read ODEA President Patty Rioux’s latest Forbes article. She shares three tips you should consider when preparing to add a party-of-one marketing pro to READ MORE >>

Your Big Trade Show Was Just Cancelled. 3 Ways to Pivot!


You’ve been prepping for months getting ready for the biggest trade show of the year. Travel plans are set, meetings with potential customers are on the calendar, now all that’s left is to go and wow ‘em. Then you get the dreaded email: TRADE SHOW CANCELLED. Uh-oh. Whether it is a lack of toilet paper at the local Costco or a cancelled event, efforts to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus are starting to affect us all. So, what to do with all that time you won’t be spending at the trade show? Open a bottle of wine and READ MORE >>

Hungry? Feed Your Brain – February Edition


Welcome to February’s edition of Feed Your Brain! Are you hangry for a helping of marketing and technology insights? Well, we’ve got a treat for you. We’ve categorized each link so you can easily find information that’s appetizing to you. And as always, if you find something you think we should be chomping on, send it our way at HERE. Brand A brand that took a huge leap this year? (And their brand star literally took a leap off of a cliff.) Planters. The brand made the BOLD decision to kill off the iconic legume that has served as the READ MORE >>

Forbes Feature: The Value of Investing In Loyal Customers


Why customer retention should be at the top of your list We can’t think of any business owner who didn’t start 2020 with the goal to grow his or her business. And that of course makes us all think about attracting new customers. But what about those loyal customers who give you money month-after-month or year-after-year? The research tells us that loyal customers who already know, love and trust your business and brand are better for your bottom line. So why do so few businesses make customer retention a priority? In her most recent Forbes Agency Council submission, ODEA President READ MORE >>

Just a Slice: Keeping Your Content Digestible


Here at ODEA, we love cake. Our favorite is Portillo’s chocolate cake. Any excuse we can find to celebrate with a Portillo’s chocolate cake, we take it. If you’ve never had one of these delicious cakes before, you’re going to want to start with a small slice because it is RICH. But after you get a first taste of the chocolatey goodness, you’ll probably go back for more. (Trust us on this.) We like to think of content in the same way.  When you have an opportunity to communicate with your audience, it can be a gut reaction to want READ MORE >>