As the calendar flip races upon us, it’s time to once again check in on your marketing game plan. The ODEA-ites have rounded up their top tips as we all buckle up for what appears to be a wild ride in 2025. READ MORE >>
The 1950’s are often considered the golden age of advertising. Families were looking to spend dollars post-war and companies were more than happy to help show them what they should be buying! Intern Anna recently came across some 1958 LIFE magazines and the advertisements inside got us really thinking. Exactly how has marketing changed over READ MORE >>
Is your brain hungry? You’ve come to the right place. Welcome to our March edition of Feed Your Brain! Design We’ve preached about responsive web design for quite some time now. But responsive email design is just as important! Over half of Americans prefer to look at marketing emails on their phones. So creating responsive READ MORE >>
The loch ness monster, unicorns, fire-breathing dragons… we have all heard about these mythical beings, but have you ever seen them in the real-world? Us neither. So, if you’ve recently set out on a search for a single in-house marketing professional that can do it all, from graphic design to media pitching to coding that READ MORE >>
You’ve been prepping for months getting ready for the biggest trade show of the year. Travel plans are set, meetings with potential customers are on the calendar, now all that’s left is to go and wow ‘em. Then you get the dreaded email: TRADE SHOW CANCELLED. Uh-oh. Whether it is a lack of toilet paper READ MORE >>
Are you playing offense or defense when it comes to your marketing? Maybe it’s because we’re in the heart of football season or because we’ve had this topic come up a few times recently, but we feel like you should be thinking about it. Offense marketing means focusing on your company’s strengths as opposed to READ MORE >>
You’ve probably noticed that video is everywhere these days. In 2015, Crayon analyzed how top brands are utilizing video in their marketing strategies. They found 79% of websites that feature video use a third-party host. Of those, 70% percent are using YouTube. When it comes to platforms that have a paid membership option, 57% are READ MORE >>