Hungry? Feed Your Brain! – January Edition | ODEA

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Hungry? Feed Your Brain! – January Edition

Welcome to January’s edition of Feed Your Brain!

Are you hangry for a helping of marketing and technology insights? Well, we’ve got a treat for you. We’ve categorized each link so you can easily find information that’s appetizing to you. And as always, if you find something you think we should be chomping on, send it our way at HERE.

2020 Trends

You Need To Focus on These 7 Things in 2020
This is no fluffy “2020 trends” article, rather an insight into what tools marketers are tossing to the side and which ones they’re holding onto tightly this year. Say so long to Marketing Qualified Leads and start brainstorming how you can implement some experiential marketing to woo your audience. To see what else marketers are focusing on at the start of the decade, click here.


A Bold New Look for Wells Fargo
“Our hypothesis was that, to be effective, we would have to deliver a message that was bolder and outside of our traditional comfort zone.” We’ll just leave that right here 😀 Check out how Wells Fargo’s marketing team used YouTube video storytelling to re-establish trust with its customers. 

Company Culture

The Problem with “Don’t Bring Me Problems.” 
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions.” This article brings a new perspective to the phrase. Instead of leaving the task of finding a solution to fall on one individual, it explains that solving problems should be collaborative.

Digital Marketing

How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2020
According to Neil Patel, there are big changes coming in digital marketing. And unfortunately, we’re not going to like it.


The Race To Reinvention
Love it or hate it, the plant based burger is taking the world by storm. As Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat race to reinvent the hamburger, they’re faced with the same growing pains as any other startup company. This article gives an interesting overview of the roller coaster journey that Impossible Burger went through in 2019 and what the future of meatless burgers looks like.

Social Media

Social Media Trends for 2020
Marketing with social media is always changing and 2020 isn’t going to be any different. Find out what changes are coming in the new year and what to do about them.


The Future of AI
One prediction for AI in 2020: understanding how humans learn and what we can expect from computer learning. One research group is trying to help the creators of neural networks who are attempting to train models in ways not too dissimilar to raising a child. “Human babies don’t get tagged data sets, yet they manage just fine, and it’s important for us to understand how that happens.” Interesting.

Website & Apps

Your Cat Needs A Playlist
With all of the music apps, how do you make yourself stand out in the crowd? Offer to make a playlist for your users’ pets, of course! Take a short quiz and see what songs your hamster will enjoy. They’ll definitely thank you for it. 

The Guide to Mobile-First Design
51% of the global population accesses the internet ONLY from their smartphones and that number is expected to jump to 72.5% by 2025. Considering how your users access your digital product (websites, apps, software, etc.) on mobile FIRST is key.

What’s Going On With Google?

What’s Different with Google?
Can’t quite tell what’s different about your Google search results page? It might be the addition of favicons along with the “ad” label being bolded. The tweak was intended to provide clarity for users but many are complaining that it’s making it more difficult when searching for information from a credible source. Check it out here.

More Changes from Google
January 2020 means changes are coming to Google search results. As always, the best way to roll with this change is to make sure your content is providing a comprehensive answer for your user’s questions. Learn more about the update here.