The loch ness monster, unicorns, fire-breathing dragons… we have all heard about these mythical beings, but have you ever seen them in the real-world? Us neither. So, if you’ve recently set out on a search for a single in-house marketing professional that can do it all, from graphic design to media pitching to coding that READ MORE >>
Why customer retention should be at the top of your list We can’t think of any business owner who didn’t start 2020 with the goal to grow his or her business. And that of course makes us all think about attracting new customers. But what about those loyal customers who give you money month-after-month or READ MORE >>
Ask us who inspires us to push our creativity and provoke new thoughts, and we’ll ask you how much time you have. At ODEA, we admire brilliant people that dare us to look at the world and how we conduct business a little differently. One such person is Brené Brown. If you don’t know Brené, READ MORE >>