It’s Time to Stop Ignoring Pinterest | ODEA

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It’s Time to Stop Ignoring Pinterest

We see you out there killing it on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn! Engaging with prospects, posting entertaining and insightful content, interacting with customers – Major kudos! But there’s one social platform you may be sleeping on. We’re talking about Pinterest. You know it, maybe you love it, but are you using it for your company? We’ll be the first to come clean – we’re not at ODEA. But we need to be. Keep reading so we can explain why it is on our radar for 2020 – and likely needs to be for you too.

On the Rise

According to Sprout Social, Pinterest has 250 million monthly active users which might seem small versus Facebook’s 2.2 billion users. But when you compare it to the Mall of America, the United States’ biggest mall with 40 million visitors annually, Pinners are suddenly a more interesting audience.

Pinterest is also a growing platform. There has been a 75% increase in pins in less than two years. In early 2017, Pinterest users pinned 100 billion images. By September 2018, the number had jumped to 175 billion. And pins aren’t limited to just Pinterest users. Pins dominate Google image searches, hence leading to more traffic to your website. And this is why ODEA needs to be here. While our audience may not be on Pinterest looking for a marketing partner, the content we create is often very visual. Having it show up in Google image searches is an interesting SEO tactic using content we already create.

Who is the audience, you ask? According to Hootsuite, Pinterest reaches 83% of women who are ages 25 to 54. Out of those 83%, only 41% reportedly use Pinterest, the other 42% find the pins in online searches. This almost equal exposure to users and non-users is one of the reasons we believe Pinterest deserves a second look by any company of brand, not just the ones targeting the stereotypical brides and new moms so often associated with the platform.

I See It, I Like It, I Want It

Want more reasons to believe? To shoppers, as seen on social media is a big deal! According to Kleiner-Perkins Internet Trends Report, 55% of 18- to 63-year-olds have made a purchase after seeing a product in their social media feed. Compare that to 61% of pinners have made a purchase of a product they have seen on Pinterest.

It’s no secret that consumers love being able to see a product, another reason the visual platform should be at the top of your list! According to Hootsuite, visual searches on Pinterest more than doubled from 250 million in February 2017 to 600 million in February 2018, proving that consumers continue to prefer more visual content. Seeing is believing? We prefer to say seeing is buying!

Feeling “Pin-spired”

Need more stats? In a survey of 4,061 weekly Pinterest users, a whopping 60% said they get ideas for their wish lists from Pinterest. Survey results landed the platform in the number one spot for sites to find buyer-inspiration. Behind Pinterest, 48% use other search engines, 41% use friends and family and 35% use other social media platforms. And the 1st place trophies don’t stop there – Pinterest also sends 33% more traffic than Facebook and 71% more traffic than Snapchat to shopping websites. Pin-win!

To Pin or Not to Pin?

Now that we’re finished geeking out with all our fun stats, it’s up to you to decide if Pinterest is right for your business. We’ll leave you with one last thought: According to Business News Daily, nearly 2 million people save product-related pins to their personal boards every day. While a majority of those may be recipes, wedding dresses and DIY decorating hacks, we believe re-purposing our visual content to Pinterest might just get ODEA a few of those pins. And yes, other B2B brands are doing the same – we see you Big Ass Fans and Salesforce!

If you have questions about any of the social platforms or tips on digital marketing, we would love to chat! Sign up for our eNewsletter to stay in the know or drop us a line at [email protected]. Happy pinning!