
It Takes a Village

Frustrated with venture capitalists and big business taking over ABA therapy companies with a focus solely on profits rather than families, a powerhouse therapist and her husband (who just happens to be a client) knew that they could do it better. So they launched a new ABA therapy company that puts the needs of families navigating autism first. Knowing that our hearts are with theirs, they looked to us to help them build their brand. We all know the saying “it takes a village” and that couldn’t be truer than when dealing with children with special needs. That phrase was the inspiration for Vilij, the name we came up with for their new company.


Receiving an autism diagnosis can be overwhelming for families. So it was important we create a website that is easy to navigate and clearly lays out the necessary steps to begin ABA therapy services. Filled with resources for parents and caregivers, the website is an extension of how Vilij treats their families with education and compassion.


One of their first priorities was to staff up – adding more members to the Vilij village if you will! We created a LinkedIn campaign to help them find the best ABA therapists and behavior technicians because that’s what Vilij families deserve!