For thirteen episodes you’ve heard us give our spiels on topics ranging from being BOLD to user experience to how to give a great presentation. In this episode of Brain Lava, we’re changing it up! Welcome to the first edition of Brain Lava Trivia, a podcast that tests your graphic design knowledge while sharing insight READ MORE >>
Whether or not we’d like to admit it, it’s happened to the best of us. Countless hours spent executing a brilliant idea, only to have the project fall flat on its face and we are left asking ourselves, “Where did we go wrong?” Among the many successful projects at ODEA there are a few that READ MORE >>
This area we call space allows us to breathe, reflect and experience life the way we should with design. Its value extends beyond the the blank solid color that separates elements. It is needed to pause the action, silence the voices and bring clarity to a thought. Consider how space is applied in different mediums, READ MORE >>